Getting Started

Welcome to the ConvertLoop documentation for developers!

You can integrate your applications with our API in order to:

  • Identify a person who visits your website. Learn more.
  • Track the events that people perform in your website. Learn more.
  • Add or remove people from a segment. Learn more.

Do not have an account yet? request your free demo now.

If you are feeling lost at any point, contact us at and we'll help you with the integration.

What is a person?

A person is any visitor that access your application or website. A person can be either a contact or a guest. The difference between both is that the contact is already identified with an email while the guest is not.

What is an event?

An event is an action that a person performs in your application or website (e.g. signing up, adding a product to a checkout cart, playing a video, generating an invoice, or whatever you want to track from your contacts or guests).